Candidate Edu. –BE(Computer) Job- Inspector in Central Excise Past Experience- Assistant in RBI Preferences- DC, DySP, Mamalatdar Duration: ~25 Mins CM: Please Have a Seat. CM: Introduce Yourself with Your Edu Background, Job experience if any and your preferences. CM: Are You going to give UPSC this year? CM: Have you given any attempts before? CM: Have you given Mains? CM: What is your optional Subject in GPSC and UPSC? CM: Why have not you chosen subject related to Computer as your optional? CM: How will your computer knowledge be useful in administration? CM: How far do you think we can do computerisatin in Govt? M1: So your optional is Geography, Who is the father of Geography? M1: What did he do? M1: If you are posted in a district, How will you apply your Geogaphy knowledge to tackle any disasters there? M1: Tell me about your two favourite schemes of the government and why? M1: Wh...
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