One Words Substitution


51. Violation of something holy or sacred —Sacrilege 
52. A broad road bordered with trees – Boulevard
53. Animals who live in herds— Gregarious 
54. The murder of parents or near relative —Parricide 
55. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one  — Euphemism
56. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state – Anarchist
57. One who secretly listens to talks of others —Eavesdropper
58. Science of diseases — Pathology 
59. One who is beyond reforms — Incorrigible
60. Concluding part of a literary work –Epilogue
61. The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race — Genocide
62. One who stays away from school without permission — Truant
63. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject — Novice 
64. Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death — Autopsy 
65. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs – Theology


66. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure— Stoic
67. A place where Jews worship according to their religion — Synagogue
68. An area of land that is controlled by a ruler— Dominion
69. One who is greedy — Voraciobus
70. Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease —Fungus
71. Dry weather with no rainfall — Drought 
72. Too much official formality — Red-tapism 
73. Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other –Concubinage
74. A place where government / public records are kept – Archive
75. A place where all religions are honoured –Secular 
76. Excessive preoccupation with one’s health– Hypochondria
77. Without risk of punishment – Impunity 
78. Deep in thought – Pensive 
79. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes — Wag
80. A sly look that is lustful — Leer 
81. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks —Dipsomania
82. A hater of mankind — Misanthrope 
83. A remedy for all diseases — Panacea 
84. Something that is poisonous and unhealthy– Toxic
85. The worship of idols or images — Idolatry 
86. A place where nuns live and work —Convent
87. Violation of something holy and sacred —Sacrilege
88. One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs — Iconoclast


89. Feeding on food made of both plant and flesh — Omnivorous
90. A woman having more than one husband at the same time — Polyandry
91. Aden for small animals— . Hutch
92. To take back, withdraw or renounce —Recant
93. The habit of always admiring oneself –Narcissism
94. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle difference — Intermediary
95. One who deserts his principle or believes —Renegade
96. Property handled down after the death of a person — Inheritance
97. One who breaks the established traditions and image — Iconoclast
98. One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life — Hedonist
99. Building in which a dead body is kept for a time — Mortuary 

100.Experts in the scientific study of birds — .OrnithoIogy

GL T1 2010

151. Science of the race of mankind— Ethnology

152. Detaining and confining something —Internment

153. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise — Iconoclast

154. Impossible to describe — Ineffable

155. An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct — Manoeuvre

156. The animals of a particular region — Fauna

157. An emolurnent over and above fixed salary — Perquisite

158. An unexpected piece of good fortune —Windfall

159. Clues available at the scene —Circumstantial

160. One hides away in a ship or passenger vehicle to obtain a free passage — Stowaway

SAS 2010

161. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world — Cosmopolitan

162. Circular building or hall with a dome —Rotunda

163. The use of many words where only a few are necessary — Circumlocution

164. A continuous process of change is known as — Flux

165. An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a — Reflex

CPO 2010

166. Determine the nature of disease —Diagnose

167. Occurring at night — Nocturnal

168. Arrangement in order of occurrence —Chronological

169. Science of heredity – Genetics

170. To run away with a lover — Elope

Investigator, 2010

171. With much liveliness and a sense of purpose — Jauntily

172. Seeing something which is not actually present — Hallucination

173. The practice of having more than one husband — Polyandry

174. Calmness and indifference to suffering —Stoicism

175. Person who insists on adherence to formal rules or literary meaning — Pedant

CPO 2010

176. Words of similar meaning — Synonyms

177. To be known for bad acts — Notorious

178. Belonging to all parts of the world —Universal

179. One who tends to take a hopeful view of a life — Optimist

180. Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure — Barometer

CGL T1 , 2011

181. The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote — Referendum

182. An object or portion serving as a sample —Specimen

183. Not to be moved by entreaty — Despotic

184. To renounce a high position of authority or control — Abdicate

185. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence — Protocol

186. To struggle helplessly — Flounder

187. Loss of memory — Amnesia

188. Release of a prisoner form jail on certain terms and conditions — Parole

189. Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong —Conscience

190. An inscription on a tomb — Epitaph

191. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way — Glower

192. Pertaining to cattle — Bovine

193. A person who writes decoratively-Calligrapher

194. Something that causes death — Fatal

195. A post with little work but high salary —Sinecure

196. A test in which cells from diseased organs are removes and tested —  Biopsy

197. One who compiles a dictionary —Lexicographer

198. Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth)-Prevaricate

199. Words uttered impiously about God —Blasphemy

200. A person who has no money to pay off his debts — Insolvent


201. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting —Agenda

202. The study of insects — . Entomology

203. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own — Plagiarism

204. The place where public, government or historical records are kept — Archive

205. Speed of an object in one direction –Velocity


206. In a threatening manner— Ghastly

207. A person who pretends to be what he is not — Imposter

208. One who finds nothing good in anything —Critic

209. That which cannot be easily read- Illegible

210. The process of deciding the nature of disease by examination — Diagnosis

211. The quality of being politely firm and demanding — Assertive

212. One who eats human flesh — Cannibal

213. A person who is fluent in two languages —Bilingual

214. State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion — Consternation

215. A person who loves wealth and spends as little money as possible — Miser


216. Fear of water— Hydrophobia

217. Easily duped or fooled — Gullible

218. Animal that can live on land and in water –Amphibians

219. Handwriting that cannot be read — Illegible

220. To feel or express disapproval of something or someone — Deprecate

(DEO. 2009)

221. To keep a great person or event in people’s memory — Commemorate

222. Occurring at irregular intervals in time –Sporadic

223. A lover of books — Bibliophile

224. A person who withdraws from world to live in seclusion and often in solitude — Recluse

225. To agree to something — Assent

Stenographer, 2010

226. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdicts in trials — Jury

227. A situation that stops activity from progressing – Bottleneck

228. A person who dishonestly pretends to be somebody else — lmposter

229. A violent storm — Tempest

230. Careful or thorough enquiry —Investigation


231. Failing to discharge one’s duty (willfully) —Dereliction

232. A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house— Mortage

233. A movement of partof the body to express an idea or feeling— Gesture

234. A child born after the death of his father –Posthumous child

235. A person who is physically dependent on a substance — Addict

236. A cure for all disease — Panacea

237. A raised platform in building — Walkaway

238. A system of naming things — Nomenclature

239. One who hates women — Misogynist

240. Able to use right hand and left hand equally well — Ambidextrous

241. Capable of being interpreted in two ways —Ambiguous

242. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views — Fanatic

243. The action of looking within or into one’s own mind — Introspect

244. To confirm with the help of evidence —Implicate

245. A person who loves mankind —Philanthropist

246. Full of criticism or mockery — Satire

(Stenographer. 2011)

247. An agreement between two countries or groups to stop fighting — Ceasefire

248. Excessively enthusiastic and unreasonably excited about something — Fanatical

249. Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike —Phobia

250. To be dogmatic in one’s opinion —Opinionated

251. High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake — Tsunami

252. A voice that cannot be heard — lnaudibal

253. The absence of law and order — Anarchy

254. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences — Intermediary

255. To give one’s authority to another —Delegate

(MT(NT). 2011)

256. Body of singers- Choir

257. A thing likely to be easily broken — Brittle

258. An animal story with moral — Fable

259. The study of ancient civilization —Archaeology

260. A disease which is spread by direct contact — Contagious

(LDC. 2011)

261. Lasting only for a short while — Temporary

262. A number of stars grouped together —Constellation

263. Animal that feeds on plants — Herbivorous

264. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something — Coercion

265. Murder of a man — Homicide

266. Strong dislikes between two persons—Antipathy

267. That which is without opposition —Unanimous

268. The plant and vegetation of a region —Flora

269. The killing of whole group of people —Genocide

270. A remedy for all diseases — Panacea

271. The plants and vegetation of a region –Flora

272. Related to moon — . Lunar

273. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish — Taxidermy

274. A paper written by hand — Manuscript

275. Place where wine is made — Brewery

276. Found all over the world — Universal

277. Something kept as a reminder of an event —Souvenir

278. Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake – Richter

279. One who practices one of fine arts — Artist

280. A general pardon of offenders— Amnesty

281. An established principle of practical wisdom — Maxim

282. The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends — Budgeting

283. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles — Simile

284. Very dramatic — Histrionic

285. To secretly store more than what is allowed — Hoard

286. One who does not makes mistakes —Infallible

287. A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer —Testimonial

288. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank — Hinterland

289. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody — Foundling

290. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines — Journalism

291. A person who gambles or bets — Punter

292. Place that provide refuge — Asylum

293. Doing something according to one’s own free will — Voluntary

294. A foreigner who settles in a country —Immigrant

295. A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept – Pantry

296. Government of the people, by the people and for the people — Democracy

297. Something that is difficult to believe —Incredible

298. The height of object above sea level —Altitude

299. Group of people living together in the same locality — Neighbourhood

300. Always ready to attack or quarrel —Aggressive


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