Link for interview Photos

Candidate 1
Board 1
Job related:
Do you think time has come to review 73rd amendment...if yes than what n why...
Who functions as r.o. for l.s. ,v.s. n local electrons..
Role of r.o....
In acb case before filing a charge sheet..some protection is there for govt. Officer....what's DT...
How's training?
Do u think responsibility of training should be handed over to private firms?
14th finance commission has negativity impacted samras gram Panchayat... Ur comments...
State Finance commission recommendation related...
Pharma :
Privatization of health care...analysis
NhPs analysis...
What about primary health care....
What will u do to revive pHc n chc...
Sector wise contribution to GDP n employment generation..what can be done to revive agri. Sector...
Gir nu su famous...(geer cows🤒)
1 local issue.. From amreli...(stray dog killed a girl...what to do...bla bla...🙃)
Candidate 2
Graduation - microbiology
 1. Introduction
 2. History of civil service
 3. Meaning of " collector "
 4. What is bullet train?
 5. Recent declaration by Pakistan
 6. Preference, do u fit in this job? Reason..
 7. How to tackle misuse of Internet in child      and youth..approach towards online fraud..solution
 8. Questions on my graduation. .
9. Why you choose administrative service,
10. Questions on my hobby
11. What you think about GPSC , as a chairman of GPSC, what you change in gpsc (reforms)
12.  From 1947 do we achieve goal of public service?
Candidate 3
Board 1 EC INCOME TAX Telangana)
Intro.... radiation effect on animals....India's five biggest reforms....reasons... Telangana separation...reasons...ground reality in both states
silk road....export from India at ancient time...reason for finding sea route..
.US legislators going against president...reason....
parliamentary system difference with presidential to change it...what if parliament try to change it to presidential system...
steps to reduce corruption...
73 74 amendment...what's the there any ground level much power does the Gujarat gov has devolved..
Collegium system...judicial should they could have  tackle it...
hobby... difference between front page and editorial page.
Candidate 5
(Board : 5
Edu: BE Computer
Job: Private Company)
1. In which department do you work?
2. Introduce yourself with education and job details.
3. When did you complete your graduation?
4. Why the word 'Virtual' in Virtual Reality?
5. What is your role in current job?
6. Why from private company to govt job?
7. What qualities make you fit in government job?
8. What are your hobbies?
9. Tell something about Himalayas. (As i mentioned abt himalayan trekking i did)
10. What is the pattern of vegetation as you ascend high on himalayas?
11. Why vegetation decreases as you move up?
12. Why corn shaped trees in himalayas?
13. How the height is measured on mountains?
14.  What is sea level and which sea is taken as reference in India?
15. What steps should be taken for Cyber Security in India?
16. Data stolen or Data mis-represented - What is more dangerous?
17. Do you know any fruit which has its seed outside - found in himalayas? (God knows why they asked this)
18. Do you know which district was there when you started your trekking? (This was again on Himalayas? Ohh God!)
19. How to make Data Security more stringent?
Thank you!
Candidate 6
Field -IT
My yesterday que
1 why this job
2 work of DC and as supply officer
3 hobby and I said cooking then asked about tarala dalal
4 national IT policy and act
5 swachchata and waste management in urban and rural area
6 atyare rural area ni samasya ane tene tame kevi rite dur karso kevi rite set thaso
7 duty ane personal life kevi rite manage karso
8 difference between cyber expert and IT expert
9 posting of DC
10 why people unsatisfied with government and how to overcome from that
11 why government policies not implemented properly
Candidate 7
Board no:5 education:computer engineering  job: dena bank 
q.1 tamaru educational background nd work experience, preference vishe janavo. 
Q.2 hamana j bank ma bahu motu fraud thayu 6... ena vishe janavo.
Q.3   letter of undertaking vishe janavo.
Q.4 computer engineering ma professor tarike kaya sub bhanavela 6..
Q.5 dena Bank nu puru nam janavo..
Q.6 dena Bank kaya type ni bank 6..??.
Q.7 RBI na governor kon 6 nd rbi nu work su 6....??.
Q.8 reporate etle su..?
Q.9 lead bank etle su..?.
Q.10 IT sector no gud governance nd e-governance Ma kevi rite use kari shakay..?
Q.11 big data su 6..??. Detail ma samjavo..
Q.12 cloud computing etle su..??teni application janavo..
Q.13 cyber attack nu solution janavo..
Q.14 cyber security related issue ma tame su help kari shako govt. Ne...?q.15 india china relation in reference with maldive issue..
q.16 doklam vivad..
q.17 renewable energy
q.18 rural development kai rite thai shake..??
q.19 vpn su 6..??
q.20 shg su 6..?ten eno aim janavo..
Candidate 8
Board 3
Aged people
1) introduction
2)why engineering student are unfit for industry
3) what government do for that
4) job less growth
5) who is xxx yadav -i don't know
6) simultaneous election
7) gujarat v/s Kerala model
8) name famous economist
9) macro economic data
10) federalism
Candidate 9
Board 5 : Kikani Madam
Sumit chaudhari
Section officer (Agricultural Dept )
Date : 16/02
Mam : educational Background ,experience & job profile.
What is soil health card ?,
Advt of it, status of guj govt in it .
What is soil erosion ?
Status of Irrigation in gujarat  and role of agricultural and irrigation department in extension of irrigation facility.
Currently I am under training in agricultural Dept so mam asked me what You have learnt in this 4 months and some counter question related to that.
Member 1 : why there is issue of water shortage in sardar sarovar ?
Is it effect food production in Gujarat ?
What is alternative solution in this situation ?
What is ROM .
Boot sector
Cloud computing .
Cache memory.
Member 2 :
(3-4  asked me core mathematics questions totally unexpected 😂 )
Make in India
Why India need make in India ?
Which incentives government is providing ?
Current measure taken by govt in budget to incentives make in India ?
What is IMF,its purpose, HQ .
WTO ,it's purpose and HQ.
Agreement on agricultural and India's intention in that.
Does this institution compromise our sovereignty.
Member 3.
Farm subsidies and loan waiver issues.
How to control more fragmentation of farm land and some counter question.
Date -19/02/2018. New week
Candidate 10
Graduation- BE CE
Board 2
Education qualifications
And work experience
Digital India mission n related questions
Knowledge economy
Bharatnet.. current stats and optical fibre
E gram..what services they offer..and how it can empower rural india.
Member 1
Pre independence kings who governed their states well and did reforms
Reforms by sayajirao
Bhagavad gomandal
Artificial intelligence and it's recent news n more questions on AI
Linking Aadhar with bank account.benefits
Member 2
Gondal's queen wrote something..if u know abt it.
Drone related factual questions.
How will u improve governance without using ICT.(any other technology? And how)
Member 3
Difference u see in UPSC and GPSC
What is transparency n why imp
Chairman : few HR questions.
Candidate 11
Board 1
Introduce yourself.(Bsc Physics)
Use of physcis in day to day life
And follow up ques on physcis
What is specteum? Why it is regulated?
Your preferences
Functions of DR
Functions of DC
Land acquisition reltaed follow up ques
Difference between SEZ and SIR
SIR kya kya chhe?
Major exports of India
Which sectors are being promoted by Govt?
Your hobbies
Candidate 12
Board -Kikani Madam
Graduation - Mechanical
1. Education and Job
2. ‎difference between Tiago and Nano
3. ‎why you want to join civil service
4. ‎how you can use mechanical engineering knowledge in civil service
5. ‎what is Nano
6. ‎what is manometer
7. ‎pressure unit?
8. ‎atmospheric pressure
9. ‎PASA act, black marketing act
10. ‎N-E Problem
11. ‎which state is added in North-east
12. ‎contribution of Tata
13. ‎why leaving Tata such a precious company??
Candidate 13
Hinali Gauswami:
Board -1
Graduation - biotechnology
1. Should v totally depend on our agriculture biodiversity
2.wt is phenotype? Is there anything like Geotype?
3. Name d horticulture product which hv Geotype related registration you think  Cooking related  tv shows may help to conserve d biodiversity?  how
5. India -nepal relationship
6.2nd green revolution related question
7. Role of enzymes in Biotech,  name a few
8. Hobby
9.que related to mains pattern -wt do u think abt diz change (fact n analytical que related)
10. 1 aptitude type que
Candidate 14
Board1 Dasa Sir
1. What will be the reaction of u r boss and colleagues if u got selected as a class 1 ?
2. What will u do if u will posted at narmada district as a DDO ?
3 what is RTE. Advantages and disadvantages of it ?
4 what is deficit policy and it s type and in current budget it's value ?5. What are the problems with current engineers and how would u overcome
What is metrology any three measuring instrument with its principle.
Candidate 15
Interview Script Board 1
Introduce yourself
Ur chief officer why give another cl-2 preferences  Where chief officer works???
As an SDM what r powers u hve and under which act...
Preventive detention and fundamental rights ....
Bullet train pro and cons
Green revolution
Hobby related
Make a sketch on PNB fraud
I totally enjoyed it 😝😝
Vishal Kapuriya:
Vishal Kapuriya:
board 1
job- DR
C : intro. ur self
     how ur exp. used in your currnt job and supplimntry ques. related to it,
    why sourashtra lack in terms of dairy industries and coop. comprtilvly north guj. whereas all geo. and demogrphical features are same
supplymry ques. on it
    M 1 : what is money lenders act..its provision and related ques.
what are lacunas
as dysp what should u do to stop nusance of lenders activity
what is another most imp law which u can implemnt most as dc or dysp other than lan d revenue code and crpc
what is essential commodity act?
M2 what are forest cover...
      in india wester or estern
     where is more? name os estrn nd westrn state
why westrn more develope than eastrn states?
why coop not succesful in another sector than milk?
  M3 diff. between information awareness and knowldge? how can h aware people
how can u in culcate values  in society? supplimntry ques regarding this
how education can do on this front? some gov. initiatives.
C: why rural education lack behind urban?
what r gov.iniatiatives?
than 6 to 7 min my personality related informal type discussion?
Board4 - 21/02/2018
- Electronics and communication 
- Self employed 
1a.which competitive exam you are preparing 
2.importance of political will to combat corruption & counter questions
3.what is required to form partnership firm to dissolve partnership firm
5.whats your role in your business 
6.what is cyber physical systems IT, computer and electronics makes change in market, production, logistics i.e. economics activities
8.what is cloud computing
9.whats the legal provision which governs data centre's data in Indian territory and outside
10.why you choose district registrar after dyCo
11.person other than family member who inspired you & what inspiration you got from him or her
12.whats your competency which will make you successful DyCo will you handle working pressure

Candidate 14


BE elect and power plant 7 yrs experience
Timing- 10 mins
Board- Dasa sir

Welcomed by chairman
Introduce ur self
Asked two turbine name and detail(I don't know- mostly used in hydro)
Gujarat installed capacity
Detail and share as per fuel
Narmada dam installed capacity
Detail about it
Narmada River dispute between which state
What is ntpc and power grid
Power grid office in Gujarat
Where are other umpps(ultra mega power plant)?
Your plant is making profit or loss? Why? Why still running?
Which type of books u read? Name the auther?
Paris summit detail
Name any one topic in concurrent list 
Thank you

Candidate 16

Board 4  Time-15-20 mins


So your code is ___

Introduce yourself.

So you have given what Civil Services examination and till what stage you have reached. 

So I have asked a lot of questions on women empowerment. Tell me some steps that either Central govt./ state govt. has taken for citizen empowerment 

So you have done your schooling from what board? What is the difference between text books of Gujarat Board and CBSE?

What are different sects of Jainism?
Different sects of Christianity.
Difference between two?
What community came from Iran and settled here?

So your second preference is Dy SP. Have you played any sports?

Have you ever been to a trek?


What activities did you do there?
Type of forest in Manali?

River that flows near it?

How us elevation of a mountain measured?

How is sea level measured as it keeps on changing?

What is happening to sea level recently?

Why is it rising?



So what was the reason behind British colonising countries?

 They started doing it before IR? Why?

What is the logo of Olympics?

How many medals did India win last year?

So can Premier leagues be promoted to elevate the level of Athletics?


So who is your ideal except for family, friends or relatives?

What have you adopted from them?

Thank you.

Board 5- kikani ma'am (20 min)

1.intro and preference
2. Choose to be administrator or in police..Why?
3.If u as DC in panchmahal.. what would be ur duties and challenges
4. What would u do for Women there?
5.border area of Gujarat.
6.Ideal officer.why?
7.conventional and non conventional energy sources.counter qus on geo thermal energy
8.Corruption index no.(why score is same but rank fall)(headlines of newspaper)
9.Since when u've decided to become officer? why?
10. Do u want to be public servant or civil servant?
11. Women bill pending in Parliament (33% reservation)..What difference it can make to women.?
12. 1994 what happened in surat? Why wholw nation took note of it.
13.why sex ratio in surat is so low?
14. Why bureaucracy of india has bad image of to be corrupted and red tapism nd all.
Are Recent measure sufficient to improve it?
15.Arunachalam muruganantham... Who is he?
16. Recent ...Padma Sri Women form village area?
17. What is mal nutrition? How will u provide major nutritious- elements to children in Mid day meal.
18. Role model other than ur family member.

Candidate 16

 [ B.E Electrical]
Board no. 1 Dinesh dasa sir

Chairmen - you are the last candidate how you feel and what observation you do. 
(2) installed capacity of india and gujarat overall and renewable energy.
(3) what you have studied and from where and then after what you have done ?
(5) what is your hobby ? Ans playing cricket 
(6) what is ODI version of RANJI TROPHY ? ans - vijay hazare trophy 
(7) which teams are  participate in it ?ans - saurashtra baroda tamilnadu
(8) you are here (Gpsc ) and people are talking about what ? 
M 2 - (9) WHY engineers are not getting job in industries? 
(10) what are the solution of it?
(11) preference and duties of section officer ? 
(12) where section officer works?

M 3- (13) what is power theft and power theft complain made in police station or power company?
(14) paris climate deal 

M4-(15) what is the population of gujarat?
(16) what is  the length of gujarat coast?
(17) power sector contributes in gdp.

Candidate 17

Board - 4 
Educational background - Economics, Yoga 

- Impact of RTI and Media on Administration
- Types of Samadhis in Yoga, Difference btn Pratyahar n Dharna
- Nuclear Power projects in Gujarat
- Coastal Security measures
- Naval bases in Gujarat?
- Trust n trusteeship concept 
- petroleum import by Gujarat 
- What is UN Law of the Sea 
- Threat from China, Pakistan
- What is Blue Economy

First of all,Thank you to those candidates who shared imp info and transcripts.

Board:1 Dinesh Dasa Sir(4 members were present)
Background: B.E.Electrical(2015)
No work experience.
Interview in English+Gujarati+Hindi(large portion Hindi coz 3 members were hindibhashi)

[Cordial Board,They will listen you and encourage you to give answers by giving hints if you stuck inbetween]

Dasa sir:How would you like to introduce yourself?
-Introduced myself,didnt mention my hometown,you can if you want to. Plz dont forget to give your full intro(what you have prepared).I forgot to mention about my hobbies so no questions on hobbies in whole interview.
Q. Now you are an engineer so how do you see this latest trend of engineers choosing civil service as there career option? And what are the reasons? Coz 20 years ago this was not the trend.
A. 1. Supply demand gap(Economy Basic)
     2. Awerness among youth.
(Both options were given by Dasa sir and asked about my view.)

Q.Tell me about the ranks,officers hold in armed forces.(NCC air wing background, mentioned in intro).
A. Gave the answer.

Counter Q(CQ.) Now tell me equivalent rank of Brigadier in Air force (was not sure,not gave the answer)

Q. India has a large youth popular,India has demographic dividend.How to utilize it?
A. Gave broad answer.
CQ. Give me some specific schemes in India or Gujarat.(gave 4-5 schemes)

Member 1:
Q. You are an engineer. How an engineer would be helpful to the govt in administration?
A. 3Es Efficiency, Effectiveness,Economy(Engineera you can build your own answers.)

Q. Intolerance is increasing in India?(I said No)
CQ. But people are saying intolerance is increasing.

Dasa sir: To add on this , recently PM visited one site in UAE where temple will be constructed. What is the lesson from this?
A. Did not satisfy him (Sir: if a muslim county can make a temple on their land then India can be father of tolerance.)(Connect yourself)

Again Member 1:
Q.What is Good Governance?
Q. Is level and quality of education is on declining mode? I see it declining.
Q.what you will do as DC?(asked about role of DC)( I started what a DC can do to improve educat2)

Member 2:
Q.which energy is there in food?
Case study: One roof top solar power plant and kitchen garden. What will you choose.
A. Will have mixture of both.
CQ. No,i want only one answer with reasons.
Q.Can you store electricity?
Q.Then why we are not storing it and charging when needed like mobile phone?
Q.What are difficulties you face when you store energy for long time?(did not give satisfactory answer.)
Q. You have seen electric cremation facility?(I declined)
Q. In tradisional cremation wood is used and in electric,electricity. Tree is easy to grow, Electricity  is difficult to generate. Sont you think we should stick to wood cremation only. What's your take on this?

Member 3:
First question I was not able to get,he moved to next question.
Q.what is boson particle?
Q.When a metal can be act as a pure conductor?
Q. What is critical temperature?
(Absolute zero temperature for ideal conductor,-273.15 Celsius (i told Kelvin as a unit with unmatched confidence))
Q.Difference between Conductor and Insulator?
Q. What is free electron.
Q. What is covalent bond?
Q.Why organic compounds havecovalent bonds?

After this I was asked to wait outside coz dasa sir had to go somewhere inbetween and then they let me go.

Observation and Learnings:
-Dont forget anything in Intro.
-You can design your own interview
-Dont bluff,if you dont know say the same to them.
-some members are aged there so aometimes difficult to hear questions,thwn ask 2-3 times till you get the question.
-some members elobrate the situation and will not clearify the question then ask him what he wants the answer for.
-members will see you with flat face but dont do the same with them.
-Some will try to distract you but have faith, you know things and you know yourself.
-No need to answer every questions asked. I missed 5-6 factual questions.

Bottom line:
-Dont rely on my or any other's transcripts.
- Questions will not re

Candidate 20

Panel 2
Background B.E. IT, SAP consultant @hyderabad, TDO

Ch : intro
Tdo ma kam karine javay ne.
How will you change administration as DC and related details
SAP no use aama kevi rite karso?
Role of TDO.
Pramukh sarvopari k TDO.
Panchayat tharav kari ne TDO 
Ni badli karvanu kahe to kon badli karse.
Hyderabad na iconic places
What is Golconda
An issue was going on when I was working at Hyderabad .. what is it? And related que
1956 state reorganization was based on language.. I object
Should we create new states from saurashtra based on dialects.
Telangana had same language as andhra then why bifurcation. I was replying but he didn't listen and said leave it.
What is SAP.?
Full form?
It is for data processing so from where did you get data.
I said it can b from anywhere... He said aava upsc vala aape eva javab na aapo😂.
Who collects data?
Center and state banne ma.
ISRO su 6?
Su kare?
Eno su faydo?
Ek line ma samjavo.
Panchsambh yojana o kai kai
Watershed su hoy?
Kon sambhale
Center ni kai yojna antargat teno samavesh karyo 6.
Tema kaya kaya department no bhag aave
Watershed identify karvana parameters kya.
Classification of watershed
Average size of watershed
Few more que not remember.

Dinesh dasa board ..( information technology, dyso in urban development) 

Memeber-1. How to use ICT in solving problem of urbanization.
(I meantioned 2-3 policies,then some applications)
Lastly he asked me about my hobby.
1.again about urbanization issues and solutions. 
(This time I answered somewhat upto my expectations. )
Member -2,3
Asked me many questions of 
Both persons were asking questions in complicated manner. some time I m not getting wht they are actually asking.?( I was not getting why these type of questions were asked!)

Most important suggestions.
Panel has not gave me anytime to be comfortable after entering in hall.i m about to seat and I didn't even wish then thank u and gud afternoon they started asking me questions wht are u doing now? And wht have u studied?

My introduction was this much only. (Limited one)
So this thing may be disadvantages be prepared for these things as well. 
2. Be cool but alert as some point I had missed this things. 

All the best .

Candidate 22

Board 4 
B.e. c.e(graduate)
Introduction your self
 whistleblower ??
Gujarat ma recently whistleblower any one ??
Block chain technology & haven't work in pnb scam
Who Chalch bebej
Computer language
First computer of world
What is Netnetrality
And as a dc what new in job
Vadnagar mathi juni vasahat mali aavi tena vishe
Hobby 1 question

Candidate 22

Board:Dasa sir
(couldn't even say good afternoon,started questions directly).
Dasa sir:
1.Tell me about yourself.
2.difference u observed in upsc and gpsc

Mem 1:

3.what did u observe while entering gpsc premises?
4.wer u happy that after this ur 2nd life is going to start?
5.govt is all about perceptions,how would u create this perception that u r a good DC among the people?
6.tell me y world thinks that India has problems with her neighbours?(dont give me upsc type diplomatic answers)
7.are u employed?
8.what is cpec?
9.are the global chokepoints really choked today?

Member 2:

10.tell me about the scheme that was declared in budget which will help 10cr families?
11.are insurance companies profitable?
12.problems in rural health sector.

Member 3:(only 1 question):

13.if motion of thanks is not passed,will government collapse?

Member 1(again):
14.ur hobbies?,why developed countries like u.s ,France ,Germany dont play cricket? a 70yr old guy i cannot understand that a young guy like u have obly 1 hobby....why?

Dasa sir:

15.tell me about the ranking formula in cricket.
(asked one more question but i couldnt hear,so i said sir i didnt get you.......i guess he was annoyed that i didnt say please/sorry)

smiled a bit and said okay,thanku,        
u can go now..

Candidate 23

My Backgound: B.pharm, M.pharm (Quality Assurance)
1. First Battale of Tarai
2. Book written on Pruthvi Raj
3. What is the work of QA, QC and R&D Department in Pharma Company?
4. Common People believe that Government system is not efficiently working. What are your views? 
5. What is the weakness of Government Employee that make him incompetent?
6. What qualities of Our constitution make it different from the Constitution of Other countries?
7. How much time taken to prepare our Constitution?
8. How many Amendments in our constitution?
9. How many articles in Indian Constitution and American Constitution?
10. “Sagarkhedu” Yojana
11. Fiscal Discipline??
12. Generally DC is under pressure at the end of financial year for the Expenditure of Grants? So what will be your steps in such situation?
13. An MLA is accused in Hit and Run case. Police has register FIR and Investigation is going on. MLA is underground. You are DC and in Case of political pressure, what steps you will take?
14. Founder of Shikh Religion?
15. Which 3 Qualities you will not like in the staff worked under You?
16. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar said, if our Constitution fails, it is not because it is a bad Constitution; but because our functionaries have failed it. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer with substantive arguments.
17. Who is your Role Model other than your family member?
18. What virtues you like most from your role model?

Candidate 25

28th Feb Morning.
Board 4 - Shiyani sir.
Introduce yourself (BDS from Ahd in 2012, practice for a year, preparing for civil services, appeared for UPSC Interview last year, currently visiting faculty in SPIPA)
On hearing of SPIPA, 2 members asked what do you teach? I said Polity. They seemed pleased.

Chairman - Since when are you teaching in  spipa?
Did you appear for last year's GPSC? (I couldn't clear prelims as I was unprepared)
Provision for healthcare in Union budget, modalities of NHPS, what premium would this scheme cost? (Explained about MH similar scheme and premium of 333 for 1.5 lakh cover, told that there are various estimates for NHPS)

M1 - Is procedure for election of PM mentioned in constitution? (No)
Is PM mentioned in the Constitution? (Yes, spoke Article 74 verbatim)
"Aid and advise"? (Yes sir)
Has there been any change in the article since Independence? (Yes, 42nd amendment made advise of CoM binding, 44th allowed Prez to send cabinet's advice back once for reconsideration)
You're a dentist, so many opportunities, so why did you leave?
This budget has been called a farmer friendly budget. What are the problems that farmers face?
In your district, what would you do to ensure that farmers get adequate dues?
Have you heard of Locke and Rousseau? What were their theories? (Said I didn't know much)

M2 - How does China view terrorism w.r.t India? (Told about terrorism in Uighur region, about China constantly blocking the labelling of Masood Azhar as a terrorist under UNSC Resolution 1267)
Explain to me India's policy on Israel, Palestine and Jerusalem. (Explained)
W.r.t the Transparency International report recently, how do you, as a youth of India, see corruption?

M3 - You brought a very good point that people themselves are also corrupt and I agree that it is not possible to 100% eradicate corruption. Since you said that we should inculcate ethical values from childhood itself, at what educational level should we start teaching ethics? (Said primary school itself, parents themselves bribe children saying that if you do homework you'll get a chocolate, this type of upbringing creates a sense of corruption in toddlers)
PM has given 34 schemes as a part of New India. Is their implementation satisfactory on the ground? (Sir it depends...)
Ok ok, I'll give you 3 specific things - toilet, electrification snd housing for all. (Explained in detail about ODF facts, recent Swachhata Survey Gramin 2017 and it's encouraging findings..)
How many MPs does Gujarat send to Parliament  ,(I paused for a few seconds, sir said it's fine if you don't know)
Do you know every MP is supposed to sdopt a village and transform it into Adarsh gram?
Have you seen any such village? (No sir)
Our constitution has 4 pillars - Exec, Leg, Jud and media, are they working at equal level or is one superior to others (told about judicial activism and overreach)
Is legislature functioning normally? (No) 
How can it be tamed? (Sir tamed is not a right word)
Yes, you know what I mean, let's not mince words, you are just as knowledge as all of us here, how will you control this spate of disruptions? (House rules and suspension, but long term it has to be consensus among all parties etc etc,)

Chairman again - So your preference is GAS, what will be your vision and approach if you're an SDM in a tribal district? (Spoke about health and education as first priorities, then move on to entrepreneurship etc)
Okay thank you your interview is over.


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