Gpsc Interview Transcript 2021

Mayank K Patel 
STI , Mechanical Er.
Panel 1 : Dasa sir

what are you doing now?
graduation when and  in which brach ?
who developed GSTN ?
Ur responsibilies as STI?
one side govt want to end inspector raj other side u as STI ,why divergence ?
man behind structure of GST ?
Who represent state in GST Council ?

member 1
what are gaps in education system at different level? and counter questions.

member 2
is genuine beneficiaries left out of RTE while fake beneficiaries get benefits?
as a administrator what will you do to solve issue ?

member 3
which steps are taken by guj govt after migrant crisis for welfare of migrants ?
counter questions.

Saurabh KD, [03/08/2021, 18:00]
kikani ma'm panel:-
-introduction without revealing place of graduation & place of job.
-why engineers prefer gpsc over the enggineering job?
-unemployment reasons?
-partition(1947) was a good decision?why?
-def. of employability, employment& under employment.
-que. on unesco site ramappa temple in detail.
- diff. between petrol & diesel engine.
-agriculture bill- As agri is a state subject then why center enacted laws on agri reforms?
-Around 50% que. on my current job profile(ITI- vocational training, employment issue in country & other iti related que.)
-overall good experience(time:- around 15-17 minutes)
-પહેલા કરતાં મેડમ થોડા liberal થયા હોય એવો મારો અંગત મંતવ્ય છે.(બાકી તો માર્ક્સ આવે ત્યારે ખબર😄)
 All the best everyone..!

vikas chaudhari, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from vikas chaudhari ]
Tell about ur graduation, experience n preferences
Why u want this job
Women empowerment  guj gov e Kaya pagla Lidha
What is administration? 
Mari field na 2 que puchya
Geography ma
Longitude n letitude of Ahmedabad
Famous letitude pass near Ahmedabad
Saiberia ma Kai nadio vahe che
Baraf ma ghar banavi ne rahe emne su kahevay n ghar nesu kahevay
Shrinagar ma Kai nadi vahe che
Geography ni loko par su asar thay example aapi samjavo
Uttarayan Kem kahe che tyare su thay
Mulbhutadhikaro and bijaadhikaro vacche no diff
Mulbhutadhikaro Kaya Kaya
Tamari field ma scope che to pan aa field ma Kem aava mango Cho 
Roll model

Arpan Chavda, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Arpan Chavda ]
#Hi I am Jigisha Chauhan.
#My interview was started  at 3:30 pm completed at 3:47 pm.
# My board no is 2 and they are four members including the chairman.
#My questions are :
1) The Chairman: Please introduce yourself with your preference.
Me: I have given them my introduction about my educational biodata and my work area. And when I was just trying to  tell them abt my hobbies, he stopped me. So I couldn't able to tell him abt my hobby, but later I had told them.
2)Member 1: (My graduation and post graduation subject is Gujarati Literature and my optional subject too is Gujarati Literature. )So he started with history of Gujarati Literature. He asked me that what special characteristics I have found while learning Gujarati Literature?
Me: I had given the idea abour whole history erawise with examples.
3)Member 2: (My job is in Dangs as Dy mam) Tell us about biodiversity if Dangs.
Me: I gave him satisfactory answer. So he was satisfied and then he hadn't asked me any other questions.
4)Member 3: (Mine is a Gujarati Literature and I had cleared NET too)Why didn't you tried Assistant professor's Job still?
Me: I had already given the exam recently for the same and waiting for the results. 
5)Member 3: If u will get that job too (too means that here you have beel selected already), then what will be your preference?
Me: I had answered accordingly that I would go for this job and gave them reasons comparatively that job.
6)Member 3: Asked me about one Author.(Narmad)
I had answered relatively.
7)Member 4: (As I already told them about my Ph.D.)While you opt for Ph.D., what is  the very first documents called synopsis?
Me: I had answered him satisfactory.
8)Member 4 : Literature and Administration are totally different area. How would you cop up these two with your work in case of your selection.
Me: I answered comparatively.
9) The Chairman : Tell us about duties of a Collector.
Me: Answered as we know.
10) The Chairman: What is your table at your office?
Me: I answered about my work profile.
11) The Chairman: (I was on deputation at spipa for two years, so he asked about that job)- What was ur duties and what type of work you had done there?
Me: (I was working as Dy mam for CGRS) , so they asked it's full form and it's functions.So I replied accordingly.
12) Member 1: If you will be appointed as DC in Dang, what will be your priorities?
Me: Answered relatively for Dang priorities.
13)Member 2: What are the current problems in Dangs? What will be your solutions?
Me: I answered accordingly.
14)Member 3: You are from Ahmedabad, Then how could you manage at Dang, as you have all amenities here?
Me: My answer was related with my hobby as I love nature and I write poems, short stories and letters, I have my blogs too. So I enjoy to live Dangs.
15)Member 3: You have working with Dangs , so what is the latest act for those people? Do you know about PESA?
Me: I know the PESA act, so I had answered it with examples.
# Lastly they had satisfied with my answers and the Chairman gave thanks to me(That they had done).
# So I thanked them all and came out.
# Overall they are very liberal and make us relaxed.
#Don't bluff.
#If you don't know the answer,kindly accept.
#Be cool and calm
#All d best🙏👍

Arpan Chavda, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Arpan Chavda ]
(Code- EDI)
(Dt- 24/04/2017, 12 Noon)
Chairman: Describe Yr self.
What is yr 1st preference?
What is soil health card?
How many soil health cards have been distributed in India? (Approx)

Member1:  what is yr 2nd preference?
If u r Dy.Sp, than can u run?
Which qualities are required in officer? which qualities r there in u? Covey us.
Mamlatdar reported that 40 farmers committed suicide, as a DC which steps u take?

Member 2: in coastal area some fisherman park a boats with explosive, u get sms from higher authority to take quick action, which steps u take?
Member 3: what is public service?
What is PSU?
Difference between PSU and private companies.
If psu makes a loss, than who will compensate it?

Chairman: what is MSP?
Why farmer didn’t get MSP?
If u r chairman of APMC, than which steps u take that’s why farmers get MSP?

Arpan Chavda, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Arpan Chavda ]
[24/04, 10:18 PM] Bharatbhai Saxena SPIPA: My interview 

Board 1 dasa saheb 

Chairman -give us ur introduction 

Me-i graduated frm LD college of engineering. Den i went 2 delhi for upsc preparation. Den i got admission in spipa and appeared for civil service mains. 
I also got selection in BSF as an assistant commandant but could not join it coz of family circumstances. Recently I got selection as  a deputy mamlatdar in surat city

Chairman -so u spent 4 years in civil service. So u must b knowing polity.
Difference between governor and president 

Which constitutional post cannot accept government post after retirement? ?

Diffrence between administrator and leader???

Judges join government aftr retirement. Is this good???

Civil servants join politics.sld v allow them????

Y discretion word used for governor???

Wht is special address? ???

What is ur home district? ??

Y do u think der r leaders in politics only????y no leaders in civil service? ??

What is your hobby? ???

2nd member(in gujarati )

As a nayab mamlatdar wt is ur table? ??

What is disaster management? ??

U stayed at spipa.
Tell 3 names of gujarati literature writers 

3rd member

Ur preferences in gpsc 

Y dysp

Wt will u do if u don't become dysp 

Wt new things yogi adityanath did????

Dasa saheb asked in between 

So u think leader like yogi is working den only bureaucracy works???

Y bureaucracy works only wen leader work? ???

U passed prelim mains and reached interview.means all bureaucrats work hard and deb reach top post. 
Den y they don't work and become lazy???
Sld they suo moto sld work????

Last member

Wt is adults suffarage????

Presidential address for parliament? ??

Again dasa

U passed bsf. But we won't ask u heirchy of bsf
Tell us hierarchy of army.

Tell us about ur hobby 

Who is ur role model
[24/04, 10:18 PM] Bharatbhai Saxena SPIPA: Jaynil interview
[24/04, 10:27 PM] Bharatbhai Saxena SPIPA: Dasa Sir if heads your board, polity questions will definitely come

Anand Ukani, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Anand Ukani ]
Interview transcript:
25 / 04
Board 1
25 minutes
My background :
2+ years job experience in IT company
UPSC interview
Optional - geography

Ch :  tamaro parichay aapo.

pachhat vistar ma (dang ,. Dahod etc) ma education aapva mate IT kevi rite helpful thase?

Street vendor ni income double karva tame su technology based solution aapso. Je pan aapo te practical hovu joie.

Job preference janavo

Mamalatdar and section officer no difference janavo

M1: emergancy ma CPR kai rite aapso.

Tamari life ma police sathe koi banav banyo hoy to janavo and gujarat na loko nu police vise su manvu 6 janavo.

Law and order ekbija thi alag thai sake ? Ane law vagar order or order vagar law possible 6?

M2: difference between work culture and work ethics

Reliance and tata both are private companies but work culture is different. Why?

Is it possible to use sea water for farming?

M3: state secretary has asked you (as DM) to send a report on number of police allocated to mp and mla. What will you send in report .

My remarks:
Each and every questions follows counter questions 

Not all members of the board know gujarati. 

Thare is no pattern like if X chair person will definitely ask you polity questions.

Keep calm and go for it without any prejudice .


Pratik Patel, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from null ]
1.Tamara zilla ma akaek traffic vadi jay new vehicle no bharavo thai jay ane bauj accident thay che to tame kevi rite atkavso

2.Geting things done through effort of other peple samjavo su keva mage che 

3.Tame dysp cho ..tamara niche staff ni achat che ane tamara karmcari ni neta ni security mate mukvana che to tame su karso

4.Vice president vise kaho..functions
Su temane remove kari sakay

5.Posdcorb ni weakness kaho

Sushil Parmar, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Sushil Parmar ]
My interview experience..
Name: Sushil Parmar
Optional: Management
Interview panel: 1
Chairman: Dasa sir

Introduce yourself..
What is PDS?
What do you mean by BPL..? How do we differentiate APL and BPL ?
Who gave the definition of BPL?
What is the difference between food security and social security?
Give names of the schemes on social security..

How corruption takes place in PDS?
India supplied water one of the country recently... which one? Why?
How PDS takes place in border states like j&k..
What is APL, BPL, IPL, PIL?
Which type of people who files PIL regularly?

What is the difference between public administration and business administration?
PSU are business administration or public administration?

What do you mean by Management?
Difference between personnel management and human resource management?
What is HRD?
How does your company implements HRD?

Chairman: What's your hobby ?

All the best to all..

Chintan Bhatt, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Chintan Bhatt ]
Chintan Bhatt
20 mins interview time..board 3(j.j.shiyani sir)
9/5/2017....5.50 to 6.15 pm almost...

Chairman......u r last....u r bored ...right?.
Me..  no...its amazing experience today..nd i kept reading news and all online..
Chairman.....what u read?
Me.... Explained..

Member1..... Give ur intro..
Me.....told basics tht from kutch mandvi, did nd thn from  nirma in electronics, worked 3 year as professor and research field...

M2. What is CDMA? How device recognize its own code? And example..

Me..... Explained very well doing job or left? And why u left.
Me.... I gave reasons ...they convinced..

M1.... Whts use of technology in administration?

Me.....i explained well.

2 members.....asked about kutch wildlife, wild ass, how to trap it and make them pet?..

Me... Explain difference between ordinary and wildass...and explain how it can be trapped.

M3.....if u r d.c. in kutch and wanna establish an industry in govt and pvt land , what procedure u will follow..

Me... Explain basic...but no sure for further refused and told tht i dont know further.

M2.. govt basic schemes of population control .
Me... Told the steps( but can't remember exactly what was the scheme.)

Other questions were on schemes..

M2.. there r so many SEZ And opportunity for guys...why u here? ( Same question for cross checking )

Me... Prestige and power are obviously..but wanna serve my reach to deprived ppl..

M3..suppose u wanna get ur proper functional area and get good money but u can't​ help ppl directly or indirectly means u become "lion of paper"..wht u will do?

Me..i will try all means to serve the nation..but finally i feel like tht , i will left this job...

M4...then ?
Me.. i will strt my own NGO to do betterment of ppl ( i alredy founded SARJAN FOUNDATION.)

2 questions from asst.professor job...i gave satisfactory ans.

Chairman....who is your ideal? (Except ur family members)..

Me...As i am crazy about bodybuilding , i follwer nd fan of Arnold swarznegger, and phil heath..

Chairman....wht r the benefits of bodybuilding?do u work regular?

Me... Explained how it make u more dedicated, fit, confident amd committed to ur goal and daily making only boiled diet, strict carb+protein+fat ratio maintaining,  strictly say NO to parties , Punjabi, ice cream and all bad sugar  make u healthy and fit and also benefit to society who follow this....

Chairman.....u can go ....

Me...thanx alot...

Over all good., Lets see what results says...😜😜

Movie Maker, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Movie Maker ]
Nevil (ACF and PG in phamaceutical sciences)
chairman- Dasa sir...
Dasa Sir: 
1.what u hv observed since 5 hr in gpsc?
2. find smthng new compare 2 ahmdbad building?
3. introduce urself..
4. ohho acf 😊.. tell me abt cop 21
5. do u knw abt 1 ques whch ws asked in prelims regarding paris summit?
6. wt abt india n usa's rating status in paris summit..
7..explain INDC in brief...
8. do u knw abt montreal protocoal?
9. name d forest laws before n after independence
10. is there any conflict between forest rights act n forest conservation act in recent times?
11. wht would b ur stand being a conservator?
12. 1 word diff between national park n sanctuary..
13. causes of forest fire n mitigation measures

mem 1:
1. wt ws d reason behind uttrakhand forest fire?
2. hv u come across abt fire in gir national park in recent news? wt ws d reason behind it?
3. hows ur training experience across d india visiting different kind forests
4. Tiger reserves of tamilnadu n maharashtra
5. in gujarat acf is class 1 or 2?

mem 2:
1. social n cultural diff of north gujarat compare to rest part of gujarat
2. do u think finance dept of gujarat is following financial descipline while preparing budget?
3. formal talk between me n member regarding how budget is prepared as i hv served for 3 yrs in FD..

1. do u use generics in ur routine?
2. y ppl r afraid of using generics?
3. do u find any rational in price policy adopted by pharma companies ?
4. ohh k then tell me about clinical trials?
5. wht is CPCSEA?
6. main diff between gujarat pharma n central pharma dept.?

1. how DPSP r diff than fundamental rights?
2. role of supreme court against violation of fundamental rights
3. judicial powers of president
4. how pardoning powers of president n governor varies?
5. writ powers of supreme court n high court... who is superior?
...thnx u may go now..
took 25 to 30 mins...

Sagar Mangroliya, [03/08/2021, 18:01]
[ Forwarded from Sagar Mangroliya ]
kikani ma'm panel:-
-introduction without revealing place of graduation & place of job.
-why engineers prefer gpsc over the enggineering job?
-unemployment reasons?
-partition(1947) was a good decision?why?
-def. of employability, employment& under employment.
-que. on unesco site ramappa temple in detail.
- diff. between petrol & diesel engine.
-agriculture bill- As agri is a state subject then why center enacted laws on agri reforms?
-Around 50% que. on my current job profile(ITI- vocational training, employment issue in country & other iti related que.)
-overall good experience(time:- around 15-17 minutes)
-પહેલા કરતાં મેડમ થોડા liberal થયા હોય એવો મારો અંગત મંતવ્ય છે.(બાકી તો માર્ક્સ આવે ત્યારે ખબર😄)
 All the best everyone..!


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